The tiniest "puppets" yet, hand painted wooden penguins measuring at around a half inch across. Soon to be adhered to some cufflink backs for Miguel. Their icy backdrop is my homemade cufflink packaging. Thank you to the super nice lady at the bead shop today.
White noise and waves
crashing into weather smoothed rocks and
crunched seashells like
a child gleefully tipping a bucket
filled to the brim with beads
and letting them jostle each other
tumbling down a hill with with tiny
splashes diving into a puddle in the gutter
the ripples growing into mini waves themselves
blurring more noise into the general buzz of the world
like the click of the keys on the computer
when the hands fly across its keys,
hands that in the glow of the screen look
exactly like my mother's and her mother's
every vein sticking out in the exact same pattern
but pause at the end of a line
and watch the puddle go still
and settle
"The only truth there is,
is silence"
so take me in your arms
silence your mind and
steady your heart so
we can find the truth
about us
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