Sunday, December 4, 2011

#4 You smell like a hamster

Conceptual hamster in a tunnel puppet? Yep, check, all ready now. 
Thanks to Kayla for bringing up hamsters yesterday.

Comfortable and Cozy
Being comfortable
like curled up in a soft yellow blanket in a sun spot
 reflected on a floor, grainy compared to the fluff of the blanket, comfortable,
with another person 
   like old pair of jeans comfy and right, the plaid patch patching the purple one
over that knee you fell on
         at the same corner all of childhood.
Every turn around the hydrant across from the weedy flower bed
tended by that lady with the billowing floral skirts,
        the same mistake over and over.
And over one more time, until the lady just shook her head
knowing you were okay. again. 
The scabs never bothering to fully form out of understanding
that the mistake would trip you up again. The patches never expecting
commitment because you were otherwise engaged to 
        the mistake. 
Loving too deeply and believing too hard used to be the crime.
Until comfort set in,
 and now its the sentence. Binding and bound.
                                        in a jail cell 
                 locked into a trunk
                                                frozen in an embrace.
"You use your heart as a weapon and it hurts like heaven"
                         committing the crime and reliving the mistake
of the past but with a new 
          found knowledge
that the heart is on the stand and being questioned
                 but it's okay, okay 
Okay to find a scab on that knee once more,
 or the other one for that matter,
or on an elbow as long as
feeling exploded on the impact of one against another.
A weapon fighting for a heart and not stopping until its
    cupid's arrow 
inside the right heart. Not hurting but opening heaven.
   A gasp at impact, a tear 
sliding down a cheek at the sight of the scratch
drying and dying at the fingers of who gentle rubs it away
and lets the fingers trace a love note 
on a face
they're comfortable with.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin! I found you :) Great blog looking forward to your emails. Kayla :)
