Thursday, December 1, 2011

#1 Robo puppet

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Worried about missing the very first deadline robo puppet was quickly assembled from what was believed to be a pie box. Here dan is showcasing the moving head feature. Thanks to Dan and Jeremy for compiling resources and for their encouraging feedback.

"It's more of a traditional poem but read it like your Buddy Wakefeild.....

Sprinting towards the sun

and hoping to find release

wanting to feel the the heat of the thing 

that kissed these soft freckles into my face,

the sticky pink burn from a sandy beach

magnified into red hot flames burning and 

dancing up and down

fingers on a piano,dancers on a string

burning, then tumbling in a summersaulting 

sprint to the sea.

crash into the waves towering over my head

bubbles of spirit awakening from the spray and fizzling the

way my soul once did

when I wandered into a cool,dark

forest to explore

only to have my bravery swallowed up along with the shaking beam from

a Halloween orange flashlight

and once it was done with that treat 

it tricked me into handing over 

my confidence

and it went to town on that leaving me

shaken and wild but ready

to run.

It must have been the bullet ripping you from my arms 

that shattered my soul,

but one day I woke to a starting line 

looking at me with love and affection and begging me to stand.

So I started at a slow jog.

stretched into a sprint feeling my muscles grow again 

pumping blood back into my heart while

Sprinting to the sun

and finding release.

Release in the run, the cliched journey,

to build my life to best remember


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